Reforming the “traditional” Teaching Methods in In-Service Training Programs for Early Childhood Teachers. An Action Research Project

Riga, V., Botsoglou, K. 2004, ‘Reforming the “traditional” Teaching Methods in In-Service Training Programs for Early Childhood Teachers. An Action Research Project’. International Journal of Learning, vol. 11. Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες: Περίληψη: The study is a six-year action research project about in-service for Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers. The aim of our research project is to investigate new teaching approaches in teacher’s education that encourages their professional development and life long learning. We used qualitative interviews and direct observations in order to evaluate the adopted teaching model namely experiential learning and teacher’s views about their new learning experiences. Statistical analysis was conducted on questionnaire data. Interpretive interviews were analysed and observation of the participants took place during the courses. The findings demonstrate that ECE teachers after the training program adopted new perceptions about their personal and professional status as educators. They started to express greater pleasure and personal interaction with their students and exhibit a greater appreciation for their teaching style. Finally, teachers pointed out that a training course can only be effective when they are given the opportunity to be actively involved in the learning process.